Come and hear Voices of the People
On: Saturday, November 28, 2009
From: 1PM to 6PM
Venue: The Piccadilly Greens, Picadilly Street, Port of Spain
Hear what the CHOGM’s “Partnering for a More Equitable and Sustainable Future” has in store: energy insecurity, forced industrialization, aluminium smelters, cancer testing, breakdown of climate, displaced fishermen and farmers, water for profit, destruction of bio-diversity, systemic corruption, assault on worker’s rights, runaway crime and shutdown of “Sidewalk Radio”.
Panit2Planet is a Verbal, Musical and Visual CELEBRATION of the voice of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. It is a tribute to the planet expressed in the Steel Pan and culture of the People. We speak with Pan, Rhythm Sections, Drums, Poetry, Art, Rapso and Authentic Voices from La Brea to Laventille.
The Panit2Planet is Hosted by La Brea Concerned Citizens United, Rights Action Group, Food and Fuel Forum, Block Up Inc. and National Food Crop Farmers Association.
Contact: 290 1130 or 356 2445 or 774 1276 ///
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keep up the good work...Finally here are Trini's that let action follow their words....keep fighting!