Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Community Voices of Dissent allowed at CHOGM

During CHOGM the People's Space at the Savannah was largely empty. On the three occasions that I visited there seemed to be more entertainers that visitors.

The La Brea Concerned Citizens United were encouraged by Steve Theodore to participate in the People's Space. Initially they were to present a 'skit' on 23rd November. This was shifted back to the 29th (note that the NGO, Business and Youth Fora took place from 23rd to 26th November).

When LBCCU showed up on the 29th the police denied them entrance to the People's Space. According to Elijah Gour, President of Union Village Council "the police told us we were protesters and we were not allowed to enter the People's Space with any anti-government sentiment".

According to the Newsday (November 30th) 'At the time of the minor dispute at the entrance, spouses of the several foreign dignitaries here for CHOGM were enjoying a cultural presentation inside. The contingent, led by Minister of Local Government Hazel Manning, arrived at the show over three hours after the scheduled time. Hazel Browne, Head of the Network of Non-Governmental Organizations and a member of the Organizing Committee that it was a "case of a mix-up". She assured that "the organizers did not take the position that the team from La Brea were protesters". She explained that the police "made that judgement call on their own" According to Browne "I think they were turned away for security reasons". Brown "accepted responsibility for the mis-communication".

What the people of Trinidad and Tobago need to understand from this lesson is that dissent is not tolerated by Manning's Regime. Orders were given to prevent anti-smelter expressions even at the "People's Space". This should come as no surprise. The Minister of Energy, Conrad Enil, said that he is under "no obligation" to justify the economics of the smelter to NGOs". he said "so what" when the press said that a group of NGOs led by Kublalsingh had been seeking cost-benefit information on Alutrint for over 4 years.

When foreigners are here T&T must present a facade of a thriving democracy galloping towards developed nation status using oil and gas assets. This is a shame! There is no democracy here. There is no justice. There will not be peace!


  1. How many people turned out for the protest? I saw about 12 people when I passed. Where are the thousands that you claim? Please do not be like the politicians you are fighting against. Please be truthful and transparent. How many people turned out at the Greens?

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    As mentioned in the blog entry, we counted 64 persons. It was not a protest either. Thank you for your interest
